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In my blog I will mainly speak about foot reflexology and regularly present a new aspect of this wonderful healing technique  - I hope you enjoy the blog, it's free to learn.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Reflexology and French scandal

We have another scandal in France concerning a French minister. This time the minister for public service is accused of taking advantage of his female subordinates after offering them a foot reflexology session. We don't know if the claim is true but this type of behaviour is very bad for the image of the profession. People are mocking the use of reflexology, saying it's just an excuse to touch women's feet, get closer to them and sexually abuse them.

Have a look at the news about French minister Tron to find out. Of course, we are heading for general election (may 2012) so every accusation in the political field has to be taken with caution. I hope those women did not suffer such ordeal at work.

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